Transparent background white color icons set

transparent background white color icons set

Transparent background white color icons set. Includes 170 most popular social media icons on the web. You can download this freebie icon set and use them free in your projects, commercial and non-commercial. You are not allowed to sell these icons, but you can free share the URL of this page.

“Social networks help to your blog or website to lock attention of the people on your projects and they would come back over and over again.”

Download now our free transparent background white color icons set and use them in your site!


BY SIZES: 24×24, 32×32, 48×48, 64×64, 128×128, 256×256, 512×512.

Download GIF Icons
Download PNG Icons
The set includes social icons of:
facebook, pinterest, twitter, google+, youtube, stumbleupon, tumblr, friendfeed, scoopit, weheartit, behance, society6, last fm, mister wong, freshbump, fancy, buzzfeed, 9gag, flickr, vimeo, designoat, designmoo, deviantart, dribbble, yigg de, virb, linkedin, reddit, feedburner, instagram, odnoklassniki, vkontakte, yandex, mail ru, livejournal, habrahabr ru, visualize us, newsvine, blogger, wordpress, forrst, blinklist, bebo, viddler, ebay, amazon, edmodo, dzone, dotnetshoutout, diiigo, fresqui, formspring, folkd, fashiolista, fark, evernote, connotea, dealsplus, jumptags, allvoices, fwisp, arto, identi ca, hyves, picasa, google buzz, googlebookmarks, translate, reader, google, myspace, squidoo, yahoo, meneame, netlog, instapaper, linkagogo, kaboodle, n4g, bookmarks fr, baidu, speedtile, sonico, slashdot, sina, segnalo, orkut, hatena, voxopolis, corank, nujij, viadeo, typepad, technorati, stumpedia, startlap, mind body green, gamespot, gabbr, friendster, box, ask, aim, adfty, yammer, xing, xerpi, xanga, dailyme, expression com, oknotizie, netvouz, mozillaca, linkatopia, plurk, plaxo, jamespot, technotizie it, hello txt, nowpublic, protopage, posterous, sphinn, sitejot, shoutwire, phonefavs, readitlater, newstrust, youmob, readernaut, swik, yelp, citeulike, chiq, care2, scribd, yoolink, buddymarks, blogmarks, wists, funp, bx businessweek com, meetup, zootool, networkedblogs, massenger, skype, brainify, startaid, buer, twitpic, gowalla, blip pl, paypal, rss, socialvibe, jquery, joomla, wix, drupal, ember js, steam, playfire, audioboo, wakoopa, soundcloud, grooveshark, lockerz, cargo, dopplr